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The Art of Case Acceptance: A Dental Treatment Coordinator's Guide

Is getting patients to say yes to treatment that really hard?
1. Insurance is a Maze:

Understanding a patient’s insurance is more than just a courtesy—it’s a strategic tool. By becoming proficient in deciphering insurance plans, we can confidently explain coverage details to patients, helping them see the treatment’s value. This clarity often transforms a patient’s hesitance into acceptance. It’s key to remember when presenting treatment plans, not to overload the patient with so much insurance verbiage.

Script Example:

Coordinator: “I see from your insurance that you have coverage for your crown, which is great news! We’ll work together to maximize your benefits. Let’s get into the big question of what my insurance savings are and what my out-of-pocket expenses are. After digging into your insurance, to take care of the fracture on number 19, I found your insurance savings will X and your portion will X. ”

2. The Power of Positive Language:

Utilize data to identify recurring patterns of tasks that consume excessive time. For instance, track the time spent on administrative paperwork, managing inventory, or appointment scheduling.

Avoiding limiting language is crucial. Phrases like “This is expensive” or “Your insurance may not cover this” can instantly discourage patients. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of treatment and how it aligns with the patient’s needs and goals. Repeating the patient’s words back to them on.

Script Example:

Coordinator (Avoiding): “This treatment is quite expensive, and your insurance might not cover all of it.”

3. Offering Third-Party Financing Options:

Script Example:

Coordinator: “I understand that managing payment for dental care is important to you. We have partnered with CareCredit and other financing services to provide flexible payment plans that can be tailored to fit your budget. Let’s look at some options that will make this treatment achievable for you.”

4. Utilizing the Patient’s Chief Complaint:

Script Example for a Toothache:

Coordinator: “I understand you’re experiencing discomfort due to a toothache. Addressing this quickly is important for your comfort and health. Our recommended treatment will not only relieve your pain but also prevent similar issues in the future.”

Script Example for Teeth Whitening:

Coordinator: “You mentioned wanting teeth whitening, which is a great way to enhance your smile confidently. We have several effective whitening treatments, and I can help you choose the best option based on your goals and lifestyle.”

5. Practicing Empathy, Energy, and Edification:

Script Example:

Coordinator (Empathy): “I completely understand that coming to the dentist can be daunting, but we’re here to support you every step of the way.”


Coordinator (Energy): “We’re excited about the positive impact this treatment will have on your oral health and overall well-being!”


Coordinator (Edification of the Dentist): “Dr. Smith has over a decade of experience in these treatments and has helped numerous patients achieve excellent results. You’re in very capable hands!”

Many thanks, 

Sydney Robinson

Founder and CEO

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